A violation of the provisions of § 78 Abs. 2 Sentence 2 and 3, Abs. 3 Sentence 1 AMG, § 1 Abs. 1 and 4, § 3 AMPreisV is suitable, to prejudice the interests of competitors and other market participants felt, if the value of advertising gift granted for the purchase of a drug exceeds a euro (Supplement to Federal Court, Judgments 9. September 2010 I ZR 193/07, Wheat 2010, 1136 = WRP 2010, 1482 – OUR THANKS TO YOU and I ZR 98/08, Wheat 2010, 1133 = WRP 2010, 1471 Bonus-dithered).

JUDGMENT BGH I ZR 98/12 from 8. More 2013 – Bonus Recipe

UWG § § 3, 4 No.. 11; AMG § 78 Abs. 2 Sentence 2 and 3, Abs. 3 Sentence 1; § AMPreisV 1 Abs. 1 and 4, § 3; HWG § 7 Abs. 1 Sentence 1 No.. 1 Fall 2 Further

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