a) The value of the subject of the legal activity is according to § 34a para. 5 Sentence 2 DesignG in connection with § 23 Abs. 3 Sentence 2 Halbsatz 1 and § 33 Abs. 1 RVG to determine at its reasonable discretion.
b) Decisive for the determination of the object value in the design nullity procedure is the economic interest of the design owner in maintaining his design.
c) In the design law nullity procedure, the determination of the object value corresponds to 50.000 € usually at its own discretion.

BGH DECISION I. For example, 25/18 from 28. More 2020 – Disputed amount of design nullity

in the design nullity matter
regarding design no. 40 2008 001 032-0001 Further

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