Invention & Nobel prize

On the following pages you can learn, why it exists at the Nobel Prize, what man behind the person “Alfred Nobel” hides and how he earned his money. You'll also find information about his family, his lesser known and his famous inventions – such as dynamite, and the Nobel prizes were donated to his initiative.



Image: Stamp of Deutsche Post from the year 1995 [1]

The presentation “Inventions of Nobel Laureates” can not and will not be a complete inventory of patent documents of all Nobel Laureates in Science. This is the number of the winners too large (Stand 2011: overall 549 Persons since 1901, including physics 191, Chemistry 160, Physiology / Medicine 199). Many winners have no patents, such Beispel Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, The first Nobel Prize in physics. Further

Other issues on intellectual property: