Data DB DE
111 Register number RN 302012051204
210 CERTIFICATE AKZ 3020120512046
540 Representation of the mark WM We put a flea in his ear!
550 Mark shape MF Word mark
220 Filing AT 24.09.2012
151 Date of entry in the register AND 20.12.2012
730 Owner INH S. Mill & S. Tagliaferro GbR (Represented by the partners: Stefan mill, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Salvatore Tagliaferro, 63263 Neu-Isenburg), 63150 Heusenstamm, DE
740 Representative VTR 2K Attorney Blasberg Kewitz & Reichel, Partnership, 65760 Frankfurt-Eschborn, DE
750 Address for correspondence ZAN 2K Attorney Blasberg Kewitz & Reichel partnership, Corneliusstr. 18, 65760 Frankfurt-Eschborn
Version of the Nice Classification NCL10
511 Class(n) Nice KL 10, 9
File status AST Trademark registered, Opposition period runs
180 Protection end date AT 30.09.2022
450 Date of publication VT 25.01.2013
Opposition period beginning BWT 25.01.2013
Expiration opposition period EWT 25.04.2013
510 Goods- / Service directory WDV Class(n) Nice 09:
Class(n) Nice 10:
Hearing Aids; Earplugs (Hearing Protection)

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